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The Basics


Each class/program has 2 or more volunteers in the classroom whose background checks are updated annually.


Age Group Divisions:

  • Nursery:  birth through 3 years 

  • Preschool:  4 years through Kindergarten

  • Lower Elementary:  1st through 3rd grades

  • Upper Elementary:  4th through 6th grades


Children's Department Co-Directors:  Katie Eades (, Kellie Tucker

Kid's Ministry Team: Frieda Holmes, Robin Mayberry, Angie Leonard, Kevin and Rhonda Cook

Sunday School:  9:45 - 10:45 am


Starting at 2 years, each child is invited to be a part of a Sunday school class. The age group divisions follow the above list. Our entire Children's Department is using the HeartShaper curriculum through David C. Cook publishing. Each class is following a 3-year chronological journey through God's Word filled with visual aids, crafts/activities, and take home materials that kids love and that apply the heart of the message for each learner.

Location: Education Wing


Worship Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


During the Worship hour, nursery is provided for birth through 5 years. Once a child enters Kindergarten, they join their parents in the sanctuary to enjoy corporate worship and so that they may recognize that they are a vital part of this body of Christ as we grow together. To aid in this realization, and to help them feel a part of this "adult" environment, a children's time is included in the service. All children are invited to come and sit on the platform steps and enjoy a 5 minute object lesson. Afterwards each child is given a lolipop and a children's bulletin.

Children's Ministries

As each family strives to follow Deuteronomy 6:4-7, the Children's Ministry of Oakdale Baptist Church seeks to be one more way in which you diligently impress God's Words onto the hearts of your children. We desire to be an extension of your faithfulness as we welcome them into corporate fellowship and encourage them in their growth. We value this season of their lives and want them to fully understand how deep their Heavenly Father loves them. 

Sunday Nights: programs for K-5 through 6th grade


Music Makers: 5:00 - 5:45 pm; 1st through 6th grades

(No Music Makers during the Spring/Summer. Music Makers will resume this Fall.)


Our Music minister and volunteers lead this program during the Fall. The kids work on a Christmas musical which they present at the beginning of December. Each participant will enjoy learning basic music skills along with many new songs. Music Makers takes a break over the spring and summer. 


Location: Choir Room


Rooted: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm; K-5 through 6th grades


On Sunday nights we are currently studying Talking With Your Kids About God: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have by Natasha Crain. This book beautifully crafts apologetic conversations to help lay a foundation of faith and answer doubts in a way each child can understand. 


We also have a full set of activities ranging from craft and cooking nights to themed games - and always usually including a trip to the GaGa court!


Location: Fellowship Hall


Monthly Activities and Outings are scheduled throughout the year by our Kid's Ministry Team. We often go bowling and roller skating, visit parks and museums, enjoy holiday parties, and seek to reach out into our community. We have adopted a local nursing home and visit quarterly to see our many friends and spread cheer. 


Vacation Bible School is an annual event and this year will be taking place June 23-27. 


  • There are no Wednesday night programs for kids at this time. Families are welcome to spread out toys and coloring pages on their table in the Fellowship Hall while enjoying our 45 minute Prayer & Bible study time. 

© 2016 by Oakdale Baptist Church. Proudly created with

Hello Rooted Parents! Here is the video detailing our Easter Sunday presentation. Please practice this at home - maybe using sticks from the yard - so that your child is ready for our performance on Sunday, April 21st. The first verse is a "solo" stick performance and the rest of the group joins in from the chorus to the end. 

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